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Podcast Interview with Bre-An Appler, Elizabeth Brown and Terra Klinck

February 24, 2020

Welcome to our show, Let’s Talk Pensions Podcast, with Episode #6 TalkThe Big Pension Picture: Innovcation + Change, with Bre-An Appler, Elizabeth Brown and Terra Klinck of BMKP Law. In this episode, we talk about innovation and change and how it’s driven by necessity in the industry.

We discuss how you can create a good governance structure, pension parity and why teamwork is important to the success of your plan.


Elizabeth Brown’s Bio:
Elizabeth Brown if a senior lawyer at BMKP Law, practicing in the areas of pension, benefits and executive compensation law.

Elizabeth appears as counsel on pension litigation disputes and has extensive
experience advising on large corporate transactions, including insolvencies,
mergers and acquisitions, and reorganizations. She provides ongoing advice to
provincially and federally regulated plan sponsors and administrators on jointly
sponsored pension plans, defined benefit and defined contribution plans, and
savings and profit sharing plans.

The Ontario Bar Association honoured Elizabeth with the 2017 Award of Excellence
in Pensions and Benefits Law.

Terra Klinck’s Bio:
Terra Klinck is a senior lawyer at BMKP Law, practicing in the areas of pension, benefits and executive compensation law.

Terra has over 20 years’ experience advising both provincially and federally
regulated employers and plan administrators, primarily in the private sector, on all
legal issues relating to DB and DC pension plans and benefit plans, including:
governance, fiduciary responsibilities, plan administration and regulatory
compliance, funding requirements, pension fund investment and surplus

Terra has a wealth of experience advising private sector employers restructure
their legacy DB pension arrangements, including investment restructuring and derisking initiatives (e.g., buy-in and buy-out annuity purchases), plan mergers and
plan wind-ups.

Terra has extensive experience advising on pension and benefit matters in
corporate transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, insolvencies and

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Connect to other platforms to listen including: Spotify, iTunes and iHeart Radio: Coming soon!

This is a Marris + Miller Open Pension Initiative.

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