The State of Pensions 2019

January 23, 2019

Embracing Optimism and Leadership: The Time is Now

Executive Summary

In the new global economy, businesses and organizations need renewed optimism for their pensions.
In order to build a prosperous future for people, business and society to compete and to win, leadership has to be at the centre of our decision-making process. How do we define leadership in such transformations? Is it fairness? Ownership? A will to manage? It’s about being realistic about our expectations for pensions.

Using examples from the public and private sector, we’ll discuss how to address these insufficiencies and opportunities in pension planning, and what major trends will define the pension agenda in 2019. We’ll discover just how much our risk management has to do with leadership, rather than with crunching numbers alone, and look at how to build sustainability and simplicity into our pension planning process.

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